Rabu, 28 April 2010

Damage Due to Impaired Mobility Happen

Disruption occurred due to damage in the mobilization of a variety, so it depends on the location of the disturbance or owned by the patient mobilization. Some disruption caused if the mobilization is not dealt with seriously, among others:

Metabolic System. Disturbances caused by mobilization of the metabolic system damage if not handled with an intense will cause imbalance of body fluids, so that if the resulting dehydration and edema can increase the rate of damage on other networks, which damages the skin and other tissues immobilized on the client. Slow healing of wounds that can also be caused by damage to the mobility of this system

Respiratory System. Disruption occurred due to respiratory system damage in this mobilization, among others, an asymmetrical chest wall movement, dispnu Crakles, wheezing, and increased respiratory acceleration of the normal limits. Thus, nursing tindakkan to immobilization needed to optimize client return on the state Respiratory system better.

Cardiovascular System. Disturbances caused by mobilization of damage in the cardiovascular system include orthostatic hypotension, increased pulse, the third heart sound, peripheral pulse weaker, peripheral edema, and so forth.

Musculoskeletal System. Disturbances caused by mobilization of damage in the system such muskuloskletal erythema, increasing the diameter of the calf or thigh, the decline in baskets of motion, joint contractures, activity intolerance, muscle atrophy, kontaktur joints, and so forth. Given the need to move or mobilization is centered on this system, so that the mobilization system disorders should be treated with intensive studies of clients with this immobilization.

Integumentary System. Disturbance caused by damage to the skin that is mobilized in the system damages the integrity of the skin. So due to the immobilization on this system, the damage will be more widespread on the skin.

Elimination System. Disturbances caused by mobilization of damage in this system include decreased urine output, dark or cloudy urine, decreased frequency of defecation, abdominal distension and urinary content, and decreased bowel sounds.

Increased body temperature. Because of the involution of the uterus that is not good, so the remaining blood can not be expelled and causing infection and one of the signs of infection is increased body temperature.

Abnormal bleeding. With early mobilization of uterine contractions would be good, so the uterine fundus is hard, then the risk of abnormal bleeding can be avoided, because the contraction to form a narrowing of blood vessels open.

Involution of the uterus that is not good. Not done early mobilization will inhibit extravasation and the rest of the placenta, causing disruption of uterine contractions.

An accurate assessment, lead nurse in the intervention before the other diseases that result from damage caused mobilization in each of the systems that are experiencing immobilisation.

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